Forums - SSF2 and SF2T Help Show all 12 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- SSF2 and SF2T Help ( Posted by jinster on 07:10:2001 11:14 PM: SSF2 and SF2T Help Hi, I've recently started playing these games again on emulator. I play online with and I thought I was pretty decent at the game until I got zangief-ed and dhalsim-ed cheese-ed to death. Any tips for anti-tick throwing, etc? Thanks in advance. Posted by kalok on 07:11:2001 02:48 AM: u lazy Posted by jchensor on 07:11:2001 07:04 AM: Anti-ticking? Unfortauntely, there is no real trick to learn for anti-ticking. If someone is going to throw you to death with, say, Dhalsim, you are just going to have to learn the timing to Throw them first or to Reversal out of the trap. Otherwise, you WILL be thrown to death. There's no trick to it. Just make sure you time your Throw/Reversal better than they time their Throw. It's the only time that Throws can TRULY be considered a bit overpowered, but still, it's not SO HARD to escape that it ruins the game, not by a longshot. Just practice the timing. And don't be afraid to tap the button more than once, to imporove your chances for the Reversal or Throw. - James Posted by Nothingness on 07:12:2001 01:11 PM: thorwing Heres my secret to throw reverwsal and it works 99% of the time. When you suspect your opponent is goign to do a tick throw w/say bisonyou must first know which button he is going to throw with so your odds of reversal go up. For example hondas best reversal is with his fierce throw or ohicho if your ready. but his strong throw is mainly for offensive purposes, after you guess this part you must hit the button at the same time or slightly later [.01seconds =) ] as your opponent tries to tick you, (icall this breaking the animation ofthe tick not really breaking it though) you will be stuffed by them(this is good) then you hit the button a 2nd time to reverse.this is a trick i learned while playing on xband yearsago i tried it in the arcade and noticed that it works great. Posted by kalok on 07:13:2001 02:18 AM: sagat is the worst anti-tick char in the game......his throw range sux! honda mas Posted by Apoc on 07:13:2001 03:22 AM: Re: thorwing quote: Originally posted by Nothingness Heres my secret to throw reverwsal and it works 99% of the time. When you suspect your opponent is goign to do a tick throw w/say bisonyou must first know which button he is going to throw with so your odds of reversal go up. For example hondas best reversal is with his fierce throw or ohicho if your ready. but his strong throw is mainly for offensive purposes, after you guess this part you must hit the button at the same time or slightly later [.01seconds =) ] as your opponent tries to tick you, (icall this breaking the animation ofthe tick not really breaking it though) you will be stuffed by them(this is good) then you hit the button a 2nd time to reverse.this is a trick i learned while playing on xband yearsago i tried it in the arcade and noticed that it works great. K...this is something that begs discussion I guess. Cuz I'll probably start an argument here. Not ONE sf game have I ever found that reversing has ANYTHING to do with the reversal button. Meaning if they throw with strong then you can just as reliably reverse with frc just as you can with strong. This was also said to be the case on a3. Where if it's a kick throw you tech with the kicks. That is bs as well. I think these thoughts came into being when ppl had trouble teching normally so they thought this might affect it and assumed it did as they got more techs. Admittedly I'm having problems reversing on old school games now but that's because of new games where if you reverse when they are throwing you whiff into their throw so you need to delay a split. But before it was pretty much not happening if you tried to throw me unless it was an outside of range tick. And I ONLY reversed with strong everytime. I'd like to see some real proof on this matter because to me it is obviously wrong and downright silly at this point to think the button means anything. In fact, you can tech throws with forward and Rh even though you don't have a kick throw anyway on ST. So I would like to know the exact situations that caused ANYONE to believe that you had a better chance at reversing if you used the same button. I'm willing to bet it's not provable. That would make your reverses guesses as well. All you need to do to reverse is to know the exact extent of your characters throw range. Anytime someone enters that range you throw. Simple as that. They must get into that range and since you are watching it you almost always hit the button first. Turtling helps you get used to this. And if it is a longranged tick that outranges your characters grab range you either have to take the hit or find another way to either get into your range at the same moment or just use a reversal move or get the heck outta there. You shouldn't be in the situation to begin with:P However...all other reversal issues are only a matter of timing the entrance into your throw range. Button is NOT an issue and never has been. So, I challenge for proof. Cuz making it seem so complicated isn't right. And seeing as how it is stated that it "increases your chances" says that you CAN with any button. Leaving this theory hard to disapprove. When really it's not necessary since it is a fallacy. Ppl are duped into believing nonsense. Based on the engine if both fierce and strong have the exact same range and someone enters it trying to throw you actually think you have a better chance if you match the button? Which there is no way to know if you are anyway since when someone enters the range, looking at there stick is enough of a pause to get yourself thrown for free. Now add to the fact that Ken can throw you with RH and say Vega and Rog have no kick throw, Ken should have an easier time ticking since Rog/Vega can only tech with the kick buttons and not actually throw. So they have no way to "increase their chances" of reversal. So, I'm gonna put it straight like I feel. That's a stupid thing to believe and pointless in trying to prove. My question is how did it get proven to anyone? Talk about being spoonfed. This is so not true and you're gonna waste energy trying to guess what button is being used though it's many times obvious. But seriously, just use any throw to reverse. The key is knowing your range and theirs and knowing blockstun timing. No offense intended. Just shiet like this makes me wanna fall down laughing or puke at what some ppl will buy. But like I said...let's see the proof. I wanna know how this came into belieg at ALL. Cuz to me this is scrub garbage. Not calling anyone a scrub. But logic overrides theories like this imo. Can't wait to see proof although it won't change my reversal game at all. In play it definately is not necessary at ALL. as I said no offense intended. My problem is with the thought. Apoc. Posted by Nothingness on 07:13:2001 04:30 AM: throws throws and more throws I too had trouble believing this until i tested it out. Since my main chara is honda i have to use him in the example. bison vs honda ... Bison has Honda in the corner and does sshort into throw, as much as i try i cannot reverse with the strong (toss) but can reverse it everytime w/ the fierce (hug) if im ready for it.even while mashing the buttons I still missed the reversal. This may just befor honda. but regardless he really dont need his other throws all that much since you should really do the ohicho whenever possible. Iunderstand waht your saying though. maybe it is my timing im not getting any younger! =( Im trying to retire but cant seem to findthe courage to do so yet. maybe after B5 =/ Posted by Mung714 on 07:13:2001 05:46 AM: online play??????????????? ROOOOL: i just pick t.hawk and cheese Posted by premiumg on 07:13:2001 06:06 AM: Jinster, LOL!! Were u playing me at when this happened? I think I remember a Jinster on Posted by premiumg on 07:13:2001 06:17 AM: well, lemme tell you some of the things I use for anti-ticking. First of all, I almost always reverse throws by holding back and pressing the button rather than holding towards. It seems to give me a better reversal percentage than when holding towards. Proof? None, just from my experience. Also, most people block a jump kick and then block low. This is great but you must learn that there is a certain height where if someone jump kicks you, you can get a free throw. If they jump kick you too early, u get a free throw. On the other hand, if you don't take that chance for the free throw and block low, you'll most likely get thrown yourself. Also, when I'm blocking low, I'm usually buffering low jabs or shorts. If the opponent does a true combo, the jabs and shorts don't come out. No harm done. However, if there is a break in the opponent's combo, your jabs or shorts find their way out. This has worked pretty good for me to stop a walk-in throw. Hope this helps! Posted by Apoc on 07:13:2001 06:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by premiumg well, lemme tell you some of the things I use for anti-ticking. First of all, I almost always reverse throws by holding back and pressing the button rather than holding towards. It seems to give me a better reversal percentage than when holding towards. Proof? None, just from my experience. Also, most people block a jump kick and then block low. This is great but you must learn that there is a certain height where if someone jump kicks you, you can get a free throw. If they jump kick you too early, u get a free throw. On the other hand, if you don't take that chance for the free throw and block low, you'll most likely get thrown yourself. Also, when I'm blocking low, I'm usually buffering low jabs or shorts. If the opponent does a true combo, the jabs and shorts don't come out. No harm done. However, if there is a break in the opponent's combo, your jabs or shorts find their way out. This has worked pretty good for me to stop a walk-in throw. Hope this helps! Actually, I have proof for your first paragraph. This actually works better. Here's why. If you hold back you start to walk even if you don't see this way you control your own range and increase the chances of their throw coming out a normal INTO your throw range and even though you don't see it, you get the throw AND they don't tech. The only time when pushing forward for a reversal is good is when you are outranged. If you have a fast character like Vega or Chun and you push forward before a character with a longer throw enters their own range, you make up in an unexpected instant, the range they had on you making the throw irreversible...making it reversable now. Not to mention it's just always smarter to reverse this way on range and also for defense. Apoc. Posted by kalok on 07:13:2001 10:28 AM: i love to sac-throw with honda...... All times are GMT. The time now is 11:33 PM. 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